Minnesota Exteriors Blog


Slider Windows

Slider windows are quite different from their more traditional counterparts, such as Awnings and Egress windows, in the sense that they don’t swing open ala Casement windows or open vertically either.  Rather they ‘slide’ horizontally and offer excellent lighting and ventilation options without the hassle of a swinging type window that would need to be… Read More

Storm Windows: An Absolute Necessity

Storm windows are a type of window that may be affixed as an ‘add-on’ to the main windows of your home.  Their core purpose is to act as a sort of additional protection to already pre-installed windows so as to improve their heat retention capacity.  In winters, they may retain heat while in summers they are used… Read More

Say No to Sticky Windows

A door or window (be it a living room window or a front door) that sticks is seldom, if ever equated with any structural weaknesses in the foundations. In fact, few people even pay any attention to it due to the fact that such issues tend to go away of their own accord. Nevertheless, sometimes… Read More

Egress Windows: An All Important Emergency Exit

The laws of physics being what they are, many basements equipped with badly built egress windows  are prone to flooding,  This is because water always travels from high to low ground. Therefore, even if one does not live in a flood prone area, it is still possible to have a flooded house, especially for constructions… Read More

3 Advantages of Double Pane Windows

Double pane windows are a form of insulated glazing that has multiple glass panes (two or even three as the case may be) that are typically separated from each other with a small space in between that  may be filled with inert gas. This is done to ensure that heat is retained evenly in the… Read More

Different Types of Windows

Broadly defined, a window is ‘any opening in a structure that allows the ingress of light, sound and wind and when closed, it effectively blocks the same’.  Depending on seasonal variances, weather and the personal preference of the home dweller, almost all windows may be opened or closed as and when desired. In fact, ever… Read More

Casement Windows: An Overview

A casement window, by its very design is a particular type of window that moves on its frame courtesy at least one or more hinges that are attached on the side of the window. As a general rule, such windows are equipped with a sash that tends to open in a horizontal direction directly opposite the… Read More